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Wetherspoon News spring/summer 2024 edition

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Many untrue statements about Wetherspoon were made during the pandemic. Wetherspoon News sets the record straight.

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Items per page:
Our award-winning loos 09 Mar 2020 Awards
Craig’s 20-year contribution rewarded at New Fairlop Oak 09 Mar 2020 People
Razzle and dazzle in Newcastle as Geordies toast £18m milestone 09 Mar 2020 Charity
After 23 years on the go, Jo slightly slows 09 Mar 2020 People
Defib duo awarded for helping to save a life 09 Mar 2020 People
Let’s stay friends 20 Jan 2020 Events
Wetherspoon is to invest more than £200 million in its pub estate over the next four years 10 Dec 2019 Pubs and hotels
Wetherspoon News winter 2019 24 Aug 2021 Wetherspoons News
Wetherspoon News autumn 2019 24 Aug 2021 Wetherspoons News
Wetherspoon cuts the price of a pint in its pubs 05 Sep 2019 Events
Our hotels ‘highly rated by guests’ finds Which? 03 Mar 2019 Pubs and hotels
Tim Martin, Wetherspoon Chairman, appears on BBC's Question Time 03 Dec 2018 Events
'What don't you like about free trade, Mrs May?' 14 Oct 2018 Press release
Blooms away as dambusters pilot triggers Kirkby poppy downpour 30 Oct 2018 Pubs and hotels
Wetherspoon and CLIC Sargent celebrate our £16-million milestone 17 Oct 2018 Charity
Trade Deals 11 Sep 2018 Events
Wetherspoon launches 500,000 new Brexit beer mats in its pubs 07 Aug 2018 Events
Tim's Desert Island Discs 13 Aug 2018 Events
James Delingpole podcast 16 Aug 2018 Wetherspoons News
Trade Deals 12 Jun 2018 Events
VAT in the hospitality industry 09 Feb 2018 Press release
Top Employer UK 2018 09 Feb 2018 Awards
Chance meeting on train which led to 15-year, £15m journey 23 Feb 2018 Charity
PETA Vegan Food Awards 2017 26 Sep 2017 Awards
Pub histories: top five discoveries about our pubs 25 Jul 2017 Pubs and hotels