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The Rawson Spring

This pub can be classed as a watering holeā€¦ in more ways than one.

Langsett Road, Hillsborough, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S6 2LN
The former Hillsborough Baths takes its name from the area which developed from the 1860s and 70s. The Ordnance Survey map of 1855 shows that Langsett Road (then called New Road) crossed a sparsely populated area outside the city limits. The military barracks had recently been completed on the north side of New Road. On the south side – where this pub is – there were only the low-lying fields of Rawson Spring Farm and Rawson Spring itself which supplied the barracks with fresh water.

A photograph of the exterior of Hillsborough Baths.

Photographs of Hillsborough Baths.

A photograph of the Wadsley Bridge Council School swimming gala at Hillsborough Baths, in 1950.

A photograph of the interior of Hillsborough Baths.

Some of the original features from the baths can still be seen today – internally and externally.

External photograph of the building – main entrance.

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